A 65 year old male was experiencing moderate hair loss of the frontal scalp – (Norwood Hair Loss Class IV) and wanted to have a fuller younger appearance as he enjoyed his retirement. With good hair density Dr. Schwinning determined he would need 1500 grafts to create his new hairline. Although he kept his hair short he had no desire to shave his head so FUT hair transplantation seemed the most practical solution to get more grafts more efficiently. On the day of the procedure Dr. Schwiining performed 1520 grafts
We did 1521 grafts and transplanted over 3,000 hairs. Nine months latter he came back to thank Dr. Schwinning and the staff for the transformation.
Like many patients he never told anyone he had the procedure and none of his family or friends knew he had anything done but did comment he looked younger and attributed it to his retirement.